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General Assembly Meeting 2021: EPPA welcomes new Board, President and Vice-President

At this year's General Assembly Meeting, the European Trade Association of PVC Window System Suppliers EPPA welcomed four new Board members and a new treasurer. Patrick Seitz (aluplast) was elected as new President and Carsten Heuer (Rehau) as Vice-President.

This year’s General Assembly was a hybrid and co-organized event: together with the RAL Gütegemeinschaft Kunststoff-Fensterprofilsystme e.V. (GKFP) and the Qualitätsverband Kunststofferzeugnisse e.V. (QKE), EPPA held its General Assembly in Mannheim, Germany. The event was organized in a hybrid format, allowing members to join physically or digitally only.

During the official part, EPPA members elected the following new representatives on the Board: Yann de Benazé (UFME/SNEP), Johann Brandstetter (Internorm), Gerald Feigenbutz (GKFP) and Alexander Franke (profine). Furthermore, the General Assembly confirmed the new President Patrick Seitz (aluplast, right picture) and his Vice-President Carsten Heuer (Rehau, left picture). Together, they will lead the association for the next 12 months.


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